Kat Factor (Gone Gone Beyond) sits down with Thomas Cussins, operator of Felton Music Hall in Santa Cruz, on the newest episode of Independent Venue Speak

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September 16, 2022


In this episode of Independent Venue Speak, head to the heart of the Santa Cruz mountains with us and learn more about Felton Music Hall. Formerly Don Quixote’s International Music Hall, the building was bought by Ineffable Music and has been operating under its new ownership as Felton Music Hall for the last three years.

Ineffable Music, founded in 2006 by a group of independent artists, promoters, and managers, produces over two thousand concerts and festivals per year. Led by Thomas Cussins, Ineffable’s president, Felton Music Hall has somebody at the helm that is deeply embedded in the local live scene and was a frequent attendee under the venue’s previous ownership.

Cussins is accompanied by an artist well-versed in the Santa Cruz music scene, the lead singer of Gone Gone Beyond, Kat Factor, here to chat about the Northern California music scene and the transition into the space.

Independent Venue Speak isis produced byMarauderin partnership withSee Tickets.